Academic Search Ultimate
>> Go to Academic Search Ultimate
- Subject coverage: Science; social science; education; psychology; language and linguistics; arts and literature
- Size/scope: over 17,000 titles
- Type of content: journal articles, book reviews, conference proceedings
- Level of access: Full text of over 10,000 titles.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
Access Engineering
- Subject coverage: engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, electronics, sustainability, energy, business
- Size/scope: over 690 sources
- Type of content: eBooks, instructional videos, calculators, interactive tables and data
- Level of access: full text.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: computing sciences, mathematics, physics and quantitative biology and statistics
- Size/scope: over 1 million
- Type of content: moderated repository of eprints in mathematics and physics almost all papers are archived here
- Date range: 1991 to present
- Level of access: full text.
BioDigital Human - Interactive 3D Anatomy Platform
- Subject coverage: interactive 3D software for visualizing anatomy, disease and treatment
- Type of content: includes images, quizes and textbook type material
- Level of access: full access when registered with a BU email. Once you have signed up with your BU email and created a password, you can access BioDigital directly.
To access this resource select BioDigital Human from the blue ribbon towards the top of the page. You will need to use your BU email address to set up your account.
BNI (British Nursing Index)
- Subject coverage: nursing and midwifery database; useful resource for current trends in UK nursing care and policy for nursing and midwifery students, clinical, academic, and management staff and researchers
- Size/scope: over 200 UK journals and other English language titles
- Type of content: journal articles
- Date range: 1994 to present
- Level of access: some links to full text.
BNI is only available on Proquest
CINAHL Ultimate
- Subject coverage: the Largest Collection of Leading Nursing and Allied Health Literature, CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments
- Size/scope: over 6,300 journals
- Type of content: journal articles
- Date range: 1937 to present
- Level of access: full text of over 2,400 journals.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons
>> Go to Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons
- Subject coverage: intended for use by scientists to identify and quantify drugs and poisons in body fluids, tissue samples and pharmaceutical and industrial products.
Cochrane Library
- Subject coverage: global resource for best evidence in healthcare
- Type of content: collection of databases containing randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, health economics and methodologies
- Level of access: no login required.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
EBSCO Host Databases
This is the hyperlink to the EBSCO database set configured to search in every database we have access to.
Elsevier eLibrary
- Subject coverage: health, midwifery and nursing e-books published by Elsevier
- Type of content: e-books
- Level of access: full text.
- Subject coverage: Epistemonikos is a collaborative, multilingual database of health evidence. It is the largest source of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making, and a large source of other types of scientific evidence
- Type of content: evidence-based information, systematic reviews
- Level of access: some full text available.
- Subject coverage: life sciences
- Size/scope: F1000Research is an Open Research publishing platform for life scientists
- Type of content: articles and other research outputs
- Level of access: full text.
- Subject coverage: occupational therapy, operating department practice, paramedic practice, physiotherapy, GP practice management
- Type of content: online archive of peer-reviewed articles from eight Mark Allen journals
- Date range: various according to the journal accessed
- Level of access: full text available.
- Subject coverage: database of scientific, technical and medical journals
- Size/scope: 50 publishers
- Type of content: academic journal article
- Level of access: some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Martindale: the complete drug reference
>> Go to Martindale: the complete drug reference
- Subject coverage: encyclopaedia on drugs and medicines, herbals, diagnostic agents, radiopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical excipients, toxins, and poisons
- Type of content: reference work
- Date range: current
- Level of access: full text.
Medicines Complete
- Subject coverage: drugs and toxicology database
- Size/scope: British National Formulary, Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons, Martindale: the Complete Drug Reference and Stockley’s Drug Interactions
- Type of Content: reference work
- Date range: current
- Level of access: full text.
Medline Complete
- Subject coverage: medical database focusing on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, toxicology, anthropology and biology. Uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing to search citations
- Size/scope: 5400 academic journals indexed, 2100 full text journals incorporated
- Type of Content: academic journal articles
- Date range: 1865 onwards
- Level of access: some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
>> Go to NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
- Subject coverage: medical and healthcare
- Type of content: wide range of materials including primary research literature, practical implementation tools, guidelines and policy documents
- Level of access: most content is freely available without the need for username or password, but some requires an NHS Athens account. Students studying on NHS-related programmes are able to obtain an NHS Athens account. Invitations were emailed at the beginning of the academic year.
- Subject coverage: psychology
- Size/scope: 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association
- Type of content: academic journal articles
- Date range: 1894 -
- Level of access: full text.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: psychology
- Size/scope: over 64,619 chapters from over 4,317 books
- Type of content: book chapters
- Date range: 1620 onwards
- Level of access: full text.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: psychology
- Type of content: academic journal articles
- Date range: 1872 onwards
- Level of access: some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: multidisciplinary database focusing on medical and life sciences
- Size/scope: includes over 18 million citations from Medline
- Type of content: academic journal articles
- Date range: 1948 onwards
- Level of access: some full text available.
- Subject coverage: health, science and medicine
- Size/scope: 1700 Elsevier journals. The service includes access to Medline with links to the content of Elsevier journals
- Type of content: academic journal articles
- Date range: 1872 onwards
- Level of access: some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: sciences and social sciences
- Size/scope: citation database indexing 15,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 4,000 publishers, open access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, book series, patent records and scientific web pages. It contains over 33 million records
- Type of content: citation data
- Date range: 1841-present
- Level of access: some links to full text available.
SocINDEX with Full Text
>> Go to SocINDEX with Full Text
- Subject coverage: sociology and social work practice
- Size/scope: bibliographic information for over 2,100,000 articles including access to the full text of over 860 sociology journals. This database also includes full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for 14,636 conference papers in sociology, social work practice and related subjects
- Type of content: academic journal article, books, conference papers
- Level of access: full text of over 860 journals, 830 books and 16,800 conference papers.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
Stockley's Drug Interactions
>> Go to Stockley's Drug Interactions
- Subject coverage: drug interactions
- Size/scope: information on interactions between therapeutic drugs, proprietary medicines, herbal medicines, foods, drinks, pesticides and drugs of abuse. Each monograph typically contains a summary, and sections covering clinical evidence, mechanism, clinical importance, and management
- Type of content: monographs
- Level of access: full text available.
TRIP Database Plus
- Subject coverage: the TRIP Database (Turning Research Into Practice) is a single point of access to many sources of ‘evidence-based’ health information
- Size/scope: includes: Medline, the Cochrane Library, Clinical Evidence, NICE Technology Appraisals
- Type of content: evidence-based health information
- Level of access: links to full text.
Web of Science
Note: Select UK Federation from Institutional Sign In and search for Bournemouth University
- Subject coverage: arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences
- Size/scope: citation databases that allow searching for a specific article by subject, author, journal or author address. It is also possible to search for articles that cite a known author or work
Web of Science consists of:
Science Citation Index 1899-present
Social Sciences Citation Index 1898-present
Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science 1990-present
Biosis Previews Archive 1969-2008
Medline 1950-present
Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators
- Type of content: academic journal article
- Date range: 1945-
- Level of access: some links to full text.