In relation to BU events and visits, we process your data for the purposes of:
Administering your booking/attendance and running the event or onsite facilities
This relates to events and onsite facilities which BU organises or supports and which are aimed at the public/a general audience. Your data may be transmitted to us through a third- party booking system such as Eventbrite or Ticketsource. Where we deliver an event on-line, as a participant your personal information may be seen by others involved in the event but (with the exception of speakers/those delivering the event) if you do not wish your information to be visible you can take steps to minimize this processing. Sometimes the data you provide will include information about your health conditions or disabilities, where these affect arrangements for your attendance at an event or other onsite facility.
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The data we process for these purposes is data provided by you. It will include your name, contact details and information about any event or facility you wish to attend. This data is used by the BU staff running the event(s)/facility of interest to you to process your booking and manage the event /facility, and this may include emailing you with booking confirmations, event/facility joining instructions or other information about that event/facility.
Speakers at an event will be given appropriate information in advance about how their personal data will be processed for event publicity, administration and delivery. For on-line events this will include information about which platform will be used, which functionalities will be active and how the event/participation in the event will be managed.
To facilitate efficient booking processes we sometimes use external booking systems such as Eventbrite or Ticketsource to collect your data and administer bookings. Where this is the case, your data will be transmitted through these external systems and the companies providing those systems will give you separate privacy information about how they manage and protect your data while transmitting it. This will include information about whether they will transfer your data outside the UK in the course of providing their service.
For event attendees, when you attend or view an on-line event (via Zoom, Teams, WebEx or any other on-line platform) your personal data may be visible to others in the participant list automatically created by the platform, through you switching on your camera function and if you use any accompanying chat function. You can minimize the extent to which your personal data is visible to others through switching off your camera and audio functions, using an anonymized participant name/email address and not using the chat function during the event. On request the event organizer can make alternative arrangements for you to submit any questions or request further information.
- Necessary for legitimate interests pursued by BU, i.e. running events and providing facilities to increase awareness of BU’s courses and what we do and to share knowledge of interest to the public, generate income and enabling your attendance at such events/facilities where you have expressed a wish to/interest in doing so.
- Necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest: it is part of BU’s core purpose as a higher education provider to contribute to the knowledge base of its students and staff, in areas related to their study/research interests.
Sometimes we may ask you to let us know of any dietary requirements or preferences to enable us to provide appropriate catering options at an event/facility. Similarly, we may ask you whether you have any additional needs with regard to accessing events/our facilities, and of course we will also respond to any such needs which you notify to us at any point. Where your responses include information about any health conditions or disabilities you have, this means that you will be providing us with special category data which requires additional protection under data protection laws. We will only process this information where you have volunteered it to us and for the purposes of facilitating your access to, and safe attendance at, our events/facilities.
- Consent: you have agreed to this processing
We will hold your data within our systems for a maximum of two years so that there is a record of your booking, and we can respond to any queries about it and manage any issues with event administration. Different retention periods may apply to data held on the systems of third-party ticketing providers such as Eventbrite or Ticketsource, but we will be working with them to manage data appropriately in accordance with the data protection legislation. For those providers we will expect the data to be held on their systems for a maximum of 5 years unless they have an overriding need and lawful basis to retain it. If that is the case it will have been communicated to you via their Privacy Notices when using their services.
Photographing or filming our in-person events and recording on-line events
We often take photographs or films at in-person events and record online events that we host.
We take photographs and films at in-person events so that we can use them for marketing purposes which may include public display and distribution of the images. You can ask us not to record and use your image in this way.
We make films or recordings of in-person and online events for a range of purposes. We will let you know when you book an event whether we plan to film/record it, and on request the event organiser can provide you with information about how the recording will be held and used. The personal information of participants may be visible in the recording, but if you do not wish to appear in the recording you can take steps to minimize this processing.
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If we record images of you at one of our events (in-person or online), these images may be used in one or more of the following ways:
Prospectuses and other university promotional materials
As part of an advert or advertisement feature (which includes possible use on outdoor media such as buses and billboards)
On our website, intranet, or the websites of our partners
In promotional videos created by the university
In non-university publications which our marketing team have approved and authorised.
Recordings or films of an in-person or online event may be used for a range of purposes, but these will usually relate to delivery of education or the sharing of knowledge: for example, enabling the event to be viewed by people who could not attend the event or future BU students where it is relevant to their course, or making the recording publicly available either on the BU website or via YouTube. You will be informed if the event is going to be recorded/filmed, and on request the event organizer will provide details of how the recording will be held and used, including who will be able to view the recording in the future.
If you are attending one of our in-person events and you do not want your image to be used then you can simply ask us not to. Just let the photographer or a member of our staff know. The photographer will then aim not to take any images of you. You are also advised to try to stay out of any shots or footage being taken, as you may appear in the background in error.
If you are attending one of our online events and you do not want to appear in any recording please notify the host, keep your camera and audio off throughout the event and avoid using any chat function during the event (we will do our best to respond to any questions you have through other channels). You may also want to consider using an anonymized participant name/email address if the participant list will be visible in the recording. On request the event organizer can make alternative arrangements for you to submit any questions or request further information.
If BU uses your image as described above and you later decide that you do not wish this to continue, please contact [email protected].
Speakers at an event will be given appropriate information in advance about the capturing and use of images, any plans to film/record the event and how any recording will be held and used.
The period for which we retain personal data in the form of images or within recordings of events will vary depending on the purpose for which we are holding and using them. Information about retention will be available on request from the event organizer
- Necessary for legitimate interests pursued by BU, i.e. increasing awareness of BU’s courses and what we do and sharing information of interest to the public.
- Necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest: it is part of BU’s core purpose as a higher education provider to contribute to the knowledge base of its students and staff, in areas related to their study/research interests.
Statistical analysis about attendance at our events and facilities
We carry out analysis of attendance at our events/facilities. For example, we may analyse the demographic profile of attendees by reference to postcode or age-range information you have given us. This is to help us ensure that our events/facilities are accessible, send appropriate communications about events/facilities and work towards increasing participation of particular groups.
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To carry out this analysis we separate the relevant data fields (e.g. postcode or age range) from the information which identifies you as individuals, and then carry out statistical analysis which does not contain identifiable information. Sometimes we ask a third-party organisation (such as the UK Science Festivals Network) to carry out this analysis for us, but we only share non-identifiable information (e.g. postcodes) with them and they are not able to identify individuals from the shared information or the analysis they produce. The extracted data fields and statistical analysis are then held separately from your name and contact details.
- Necessary for legitimate interests pursued by BU, i.e. running events and providing facilities to increase awareness of BU’s courses and what we do and to share knowledge of interest to the public, widening participation in such events and facilities, and fulfilling BU’s duties under the Equality Act 2010.
With your agreement, sending you information about other events likely to be relevant or of interest to you
The data we process for these purposes is provided by you, and will include your name, contact details and preferences and information about the nature of events you may be interested in attending. This is used by BU staff to send you information about events which may be of interest to you.
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You will have completed a form to confirm your agreement to this type of communication. You may also have been asked to indicate your preferred method(s) of communication and the type of information you wish to receive. We only send you these communications with your agreement and in line with any stated preferences. You can change your preferences or stop these contacts at any time by emailing the unsubscribe contact identified in the event information or by contacting the BU Events team on [email protected].
We will hold your contact details and contact preferences information in our systems. Your data will also be processed to carry out general analysis of levels of engagement with our communications, but this analysis will not be used as a basis for individual communications to you.
We will carry out periodic review of our mailing lists. We will usually stop sending you these communications after a certain period (up to five years maximum), when we will deactivate our record of your details within the CRM system.
- Consent: you have agreed to this processing
We do not share this data with any third parties except as described above.
Campus Facilities
We process your information in a number of ways to manage the BU estate (land and buildings) on our campuses, so that we can provide a safe, secure, efficient and well-managed environment. This includes:
Operation of CCTV systems. Data generated through the operation of these systems will be used by BU and our advisers for investigating and responding to incidents. This data may in certain circumstances be shared with the police or other third parties.
CCTV systems are in place in some parts of BU’s estate for the purposes of ensuring a safe and secure environment, preventing crime and anti-social behaviour and facilitating the detection or prosecution of criminal behaviour. CCTV footage is processed in accordance with BU’s CCTV policy and procedures. Images are captured 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The CCTV systems digitally record seven frames per second. These images are automatically erased after a period of no more than 31 days after they are recorded, unless before that time we are made aware that the images are required for evidence (in which case they are securely stored until the incident is resolved or the information is passed to an official third party). Access to the footage is securely controlled by BU’s IT security arrangements. We may use the footage within staff or student complaint/grievance or disciplinary processes, and in relation to managing BU’s legal liability and making or managing insurance claims.
We will provide CCTV footage to the police in compliance with a court order for its disclosure, or we may release it if they believe that a crime has, or may have, been committed and we are satisfied that the CCTV footage will assist them in their investigation and disclosure would comply with the data protection legislation.
We may provide CCTV footage to other third parties, but only if we are satisfied that there is a clear legal basis for doing so and that it will be fair to the individuals who are the focus of the request, including consideration of whether to notify those individuals before access to the footage is provided if their identities are known and this is feasible.
Management of car parks and provision of visitor parking. This includes sharing data with a third-party provider of parking enforcement services.
If you apply for visitor parking on campus, your data is processed within BU to assess your eligibility and parking availability. This data is held within our parking system and is accessible only to staff in the BU Estates team and our third-party provider with responsibility for managing parking on campus. This data is deleted from our system within three months of your visit.
A third-party provider carries out monitoring and enforcement of the terms and conditions of use of BU car parks. The provider uses Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology for this purpose. Separate privacy information about this processing is provided on the signs in BU car parks and when you apply for visitor parking or you use one of the on-site pay and display machines.
Where we hold these, we use your contact details to let you know of any issues affecting planned access to, or safety on, the campus.
Necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, i.e. operation of BU as a university in a safe, secure and efficient environment or prevention and detection of crime.
Necessary for the performance of a contract between you and BU.
Necessary for legitimate interests pursued by BU, i.e. management of premises.
Necessary for compliance with a legal obligations on BU.