How to borrow books

  • Our self service machines enable you to borrow and return books and DVDs quickly and efficiently.
  • You will need your ID card. Ensure you have no very overdue items as this may block you from borrowing.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions showing you how to position the book or DVD so it is scanned and issued properly.​
  • Please make sure you check and retain your receipts. If you have a query, please bring in your receipt. There is a security system in operation at the Library exit and any item which has not been borrowed correctly will set off an alarm. Library staff are authorised to check receipts and search users' belongings before they leave.

How to return your books

  • Please use the self-service units to return your items. 
  • Follow the on-screen guidance on how to position and scan the book or DVD. You don't need your ID card for returns.
  • Place returned items in the box by the machine
  • You may return your books or DVDs at either campus, regardless of which library you borrowed them from. The postal addresses are on our Contact Us page
  • If you choose to post your items back to us, they remain your responsibility until we receive them and remove them from your record. Ask at the Post Office for proof of posting.

Your ID Card

  • During your enrolment you will receive an ID card, which also acts as your Library card  
  • Carry it with you at all times when you're on campus. You will not be able to borrow books without it
  • If you lose your card, report it to AskBU immediately, so that we can take steps to prevent its misuse
  • If you are a staff member, please bring your staff ID card with you whenever you wish to borrow from the Library.