With certain types of external borrower membership or if you pay a subscription membership, you will be able to borrow books.

For those eligible to join our library under the SCONUL Access Scheme will need to register online at the SCONUL website. Also, check our external membership information on our Guest and visitor information pages, and our opening hours.

Subscription borrowers can borrow up to a maximum of 12 books at a time.

External borrowers can borrow up to a maximum of three books at a time.

Journals, newspapers and reference books cannot be taken out of the library, but you may be able to access them while in the building.

Multimedia items such as DVDs can be used in the library but you will be unable to borrow them due to licence and copyright restrictions.

Book loans and renewals

  • All loan copies may be borrowed for one week, plus one renewal of one week
  • If the book you have on loan is reserved by someone else, you can borrow it for one week only, with no renewal.

Please see our Guest and Visitor pages for more information on library membership.