If you are on a Bournemouth University franchised course at one of our Partner Colleges this section is for you.
We also offer free external membership of the library to students on Bournemouth University validated courses at the following Partner Colleges: Bournemouth and Poole, Kingston Maurward, and University Centre Yeovil (UCY). If this applies to you, please see our information for external borrowers instead.
What can you borrow from BU Library?
As a student on a Bournemouth University (BU) franchised course at one of the university's Partner Colleges, you are entitled to borrow books and multimedia items from Bournemouth University Library and to make use of our electronic resources.
You have the same university library borrowing entitlements as students based at the Bournemouth University's Talbot and Lansdowne Campuses.
Library staff are unable to post books to students, so you do need to visit one of the libraries in person if you wish to borrow.
Returning your loans: any items that you borrow must be returned by the due date, at your own expense and at your responsibility. It is recommended that you obtain a Certificate of Posting for all items returned by post.
At some Partner Colleges library staff can make the book return (see details below) to the university on your behalf.
If you are returning books in person, there are secure returns boxes located outside each of the university libraries, for use when the libraries are closed.
Partner Colleges book holding service
A book holding service is available for Bournemouth University students studying at Partner Colleges outside the Bournemouth and Poole conurbation (i.e. Kingston Maurward College; Wiltshire College Salisbury).
If you are planning to visit the university library to borrow specific items, we will find and hold for you a maximum of two items.
All you need to do is:
- check mySearch
- there may be a link on mySearch to an e-book copy of the title you require, in which case you will not need to place a request
- if the books you require are not available as e-books, make a note of the details of up to two items, including the location (The Sir Michael Cobham Library or Weston Library) and the shelf number
- check that each item is not on loan (if it is on loan, use the online reservation service, available on mySearch, so that it can be held for you when it is returned)
- if it is not on loan, contact us - preferably the day before your visit. Library staff may need to call you back to confirm that the items have been found and put aside for you
- collect the item(s) within 24 hours
- although we can only hold two items for you, you may find other items while you are here. You can borrow up to your maximum entitlement
- return each book when it is due back, either in person to the University Library or ask the staff at your college library to post it back for you, under the Partner Colleges book return arrangements (see details below).
Staff at your college library can help you to find the information you need from the university interface mySearch or advise you on alternative resources.
Can you borrow from your college library?
Yes, you can borrow books and other items from your college library. In fact, your college library will provide all the print resources you need for your course. To complement this provision you also have access to the University's wide range of electronic databases, e-journals and e-books.
Electronic library resources
mySearch is an interface which allows you to search across a range of library resources simultaneously, including books, e-books, journal articles and databases.
You can access the vast majority of our e-resources from off-campus using your BU IT username and password. For detailed information, see our guide about How to access e-resources from off-campus.
There are also a few electronic resources which use different usernames and passwords. A document (which you can print off) which lists all unique usernames and passwords for e-resources is available from the Library area in Brightspace. If you are in any doubt as to which passwords to use, please ask library staff at your college.
The huge number of resources on offer can be daunting at first. If you are not sure where to look for information in your subject area try using Subject resources - for guidance on relevant information sources for assignments, dissertations and research. N.B. the subject areas listed will not necessarily match the name of your course exactly; please choose the most relevant heading.
Can you visit other university libraries?
For details about access to other university libraries, please refer to information on our Join SCONUL Access page.
Where can you get help?
Your main source of subject support is your college library.
- You will receive a library induction at your college library
- To complement these sessions, subject advice will also normally be available on a one-to-one basis through setting up an appointment with library staff at your college
- There may also be timetabled information skills sessions held at the Partner Colleges or in one of the University Libraries. These are designed to give you the skills to carry out research for your assignments
- Use our online chat enquiry service to ask for help in real time.
Partner Colleges book return
This service is for students on franchised courses at the following Partner Colleges:
- Kingston Maurward College
- Wiltshire College Salisbury
Students who have borrowed books in person from Bournemouth University Library should make every effort to return books there and by the due date. However we recognise that in some circumstances this might be difficult.
If this happens you should:
- take the book(s) to your local college Library staff and complete a book return form. This will provide a record of the return for staff at the college
- the college will post the book and a copy of the book return form to Bournemouth University Library
- Bournemouth University Library staff will discharge the book. Any fines accrued after the book was returned to your local college will be waived. Any fines incurred before the book was returned to your local college must be paid at the earliest opportunity.
This service is only available to students registered at the college where they wish to return the books.
Can you get help with study skills?
Your college provides your main source of support with study skills. In addition, you can also access the Academic Skills Hub on Brightspace which contains a wide range of self-access resources designed to help you develop these skills. It has information on a variety of topics including: