- Subject coverage: detailed financial information, ratings, and ownership information
- Size/scope: information for over 42,000 banks worldwide
- Type of content: financial reports
- Data range: Up to 5 years of information for listed banks and 3 years for unlisted.
BAR Digital Collection
>> Go to BAR Digital Collection
- Subject coverage: all periods from prehistory, through classical archaeology, to 20th century archaeology
- Size/scope: over 500 titles
- Type of content: e-books presented in data rich monographs, edited collections of paper, excavation and site reports and conference proceedings
- Level of access: some full-text access; the Library subscribes to the British Series only.
Barbour Environment, Health and Safety
>> Go to Barbour Environment, Health and Safety
- Subject coverage: documentation on legislation, regulations and standards, including HSE, Environment Agency and BSI, plus case law and prosecutions from key sources
- Size/scope: over 600 information providers
- Type of content: academic journal article
- Level of access: some full text available.
Username and password required. Details are available from the library area in Brightspace
- Subject coverage: database of rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions principally in emergency medicine, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature. Also includes a significant number of BETs covering cardiothoracics, nursing, primary care and paediatrics
- Type of content: evidence-based information, BETs (Best Evidence Topics)
- Level of access: some full text available.
BFI Player
- Subject coverage: National and regional archives of the BFI, including 120 years of Britain on film, capturing our lives and our stories
- Type of content: thousands of preserved short films and features.
- Level of access: freely available content only! (we do NOT subscribe to this resource)
BioDigital Human - Interactive 3D Anatomy Platform
- Subject coverage: interactive 3D software for visualizing anatomy, disease and treatment
- Type of content: includes images, quizes and textbook type material
- Level of access: full access when registered with a BU email. Once you have signed up with your BU email and created a password, you can access BioDigital directly.
To access this resource select Get Started. If this is your first time using BioDigital Human select Create Account (use your BU email address) otherwise, select Sign In.
Biodiversity Heritage Library
>> Go to Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Subject coverage: a consortium of 12 major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions organized to digitize, serve, and preserve the legacy literature of biodiversity
- Size/scope: over 37,000 titles
- Type of content: content may be freely viewed through the online reader or downloaded in part or as a complete work in PDF, OCR text, or JPG2000 file formats. Help provided with downloading content.
>> Tutorials to help with downloading content
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
BIOSIS Previews Archive 1969-2008
- Subject coverage: life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more
- Type of content: journal articles, meetings, patents and books
- Date range: backfiles available to 1926
- Level of access: some full text available; search precisely with BIOSIS indexing, enhanced MeSH terms and CAS registry numbers.
Off-campus access: At the web site select the Institutional login (Shibboleth) option followed by UK Federation on the drop down list. Login using your University login. BIOSIS can be found on the 'Select a Database' tab
Blackwell Reference Online
The content of Blackwell Reference Online has moved to Wiley Online Library
Bloomsbury Professional Platinum & Online Tax Service
>> Go to Bloomsbury Professional Platinum
- Subjext coverage: taxation
- Size/Scope: UK tax, financial reporting and law, plus Irish tax and law
- Type of content: e-books on personal and business tax issues, HMRC manuals, a range of tax precedents and forms
- Level of access: full text access.
- Subject coverage: access TV and radio programmes from over 65 'free-to-air' channels using a programme guide and a search option. Option to schedule recordings up to seven days in advance and request programmes broadcast over the previous 30 days. Search BoB to access other users' recorded programmes. Permanent archive of all broadcast content from nine channels: BBC1 London / BBC2 / BBC4 / ITV London / Channel 4 / More4 / Channel 5 / BBC Radio 4 / BBC Radio 4 Extra. Content plays in your web browser with access available both on and off campus.
- Type of content: TV and radio programmes
- Date range: 2007 to present
- Level of access: BU staff/student login required; registration required on first use. Available off-campus, but not outside the UK.
BNI (British Nursing Index)
- Subject coverage: nursing and midwifery database; useful resource for current trends in UK nursing care and policy for nursing and midwifery students, clinical, academic, and management staff and researchers
- Size/scope: over 200 UK journals and other English language titles
- Type of content: journal articles
- Date range: 1994 to present
- Level of access: some links to full text.
BNI is only available on Proquest
British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB)
- Subject coverage: archaeology of Britain and Ireland
- Size/scope: 150,000 references to publications
- Type of content: Information about books and journal articles. BIAB content is found via the Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
- Level of access: abstracts only, no full text.
British Library Sounds
>> Go to British Library Sounds
- Subject coverage: archival recordings from the British Library, National Sound Archive of interview and conversations with leading British cultural figures, African music and writing and sound
- Type of content: audiovisual material.
British National Formulary (BNF)
>> Go to British National Formulary
- Subject coverage: up to date guidance on prescribing, dispensing and administering drugs and medicines. Details medicines prescribed in the UK, with special reference to their uses, cautions, contra-indications, side-effects, dosage and relative costs.
Note: Click the log-in button (top right) of Medicines Complete landing page. Use the Shibboleth/Open Athens link at the bottom of resulting pop-up panel, then choose the first 'Bournemouth University' from the 'Find your organisation' list.
British Pathe
- Subject coverage: news, sport, social history and entertainment
- Size/scope: 3500 hours
- Type of content: archive of moving images
- Date range: 1896 to 1970.
NB: Set up a personal account by using the "Join" button at the top right of the British Pathe page. This will allow you to view the films but not to buy stills.
British Periodicals
- Subject coverage: English literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture; British history and culture
- Size/scope: over 460 journals
- Type of content: journal articles
- Date range: late seventeenth century to early twentieth century
- Level of access: full text.
British Standards Online
>> Go to British Standards Online (BSOL) App)
Restrictions on use
Access to British Standards Online is provided for educational purposes only. It must not be used for the purpose of University business processes (including but not limited to Health & Safety, Estate Management) or for monetary reward (including but not limited to knowledge transfer partnerships)
- Subject coverage: British Standards (BS); British adopted European Standards (BS EN) and British adopted International Standards (BS ISO)
- Type of content: British Standards
- Level of access: full text.
Note: follow the link, above, to access the British Standards Online (BSOL) App
Personally owned devices (including access for Mac users):
- download Adobe Acrobat Reader if you don’t already have it on your computer (this is available free from Microsoft App store)
- then click on
- use the Institutional Login and select ‘Bournemouth University’
- sign in with your BU credentials
- load the FileOpen plug-in as instructed on the BSOL site
- search and download the British Standard you want to your computer
- right-click on download and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the British Standard.
- Subject coverage: a source of news and feature articles for the TV industry, and includes access to Broadcast Magazine
- Type of content: news and current awareness
- Level of access: full text.
Note: to ensure access to the full content, users will need to register using their email address.
Burney Collection
The Burney Collection includes nearly one million pages from 1,270 parliamentary papers, pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks, and newspapers published in England, Ireland and Scotland between 1600-1800. Full facsimile and fully searchable.
BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online)
- Subject coverage: all BU research disciplines
- Size/scope: Bournemouth University's institutional repository. Contains over 3100 open access BU research outputs, including peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and over 400 BU research degree theses e.g. PhD, MPhil, MRes.
- Type of content: theses, journal articles, conference papers, book chapters etc.
- Level of access: full text.
Business Source Ultimate
>> Go to Business Source Ultimate
- Subject coverage: business and management
- Size/scope: over 45,000 sources
- Type of content: academic journal articles and business trade titles
- Level of access: Some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch.
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch