If you are an individual interested in undertaking an apprenticeship, please visit our page for prospective apprentices.

An apprenticeship is not just a job; it is a win-win scenario benefiting both the employer and the individual, as it enhances workforce skills, leading to a significant boost in economic productivity. 

At Bournemouth University, we offer degree-level apprenticeships at a level 6, which are equivalent to undergraduate level study and level 7 which is equivalent to a master's level study.  

They are a great opportunity to ‘grow your own’ trained workforce and succession plan for your future workforce. They also provide an excellent opportunity for your organisation to work together with Bournemouth University to build the skills that you require to deliver your business outcomes.  

Higher level apprentices usually study part-time at BU with apprenticeships taking between 18 months and five years to complete depending on the apprenticeship standard.

Employer benefits include:

  • A great opportunity to ‘grow your own’ trained workforce
  • Build your talent pipeline and succession plan your future business needs
  • Your organisation works with Bournemouth University to build the skills you require to deliver your business outcomes 
  • Introduce fresh talent and ideas to your business
  • Upskill your existing staff
  • Boost staff loyalty and motivation, and reduce staff turnover
  • Fix skills shortage
  • Improve your company image. 

Take a look here to find out more on why an apprentice can enhance your business

What is a degree apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a combination of academic study and application of skills learned back in the workplace. 

Employers must allow Apprentices working 30 hours or more a week an average of 6 hours a week as a minimum to devote to their studies. This is known as their Off-the-Job training allowance. A guide to what can be counted as Off-the-Job time can be found on this webpage. You might also want to watch a webinar delivered by the Department of Education, which helps give further details. 

Employers will need to: 

  • Have an agreement in place with the apprentice that lasts for the length of the apprenticeship  
  • Have a signed commitment statement by the employer, apprentice and the provider (Bournemouth University) 
  • Have a written agreement with providers, for employers who pay the apprenticeship levy and use the apprenticeship service, they will need to have a contract for services with their main provider 
  • To give their apprentice training and supervision to help them perform the job you’ve hired them to do. 
  • Ensure their apprentice has 20% of their working hours are spent on off-the-job training. This is protected time and a legal requirement for apprenticeship delivery. 
  • Have their apprentice to be on the correct wage for their age, for off-the-job training and doing further study. 
  • Ensure apprentices are paid a wage consistent with the law for the time they are in work and in off-the-job training, updates on progression and average weekly hours and changes to working patterns must be logged and checked with the training provider. 

Health and social care apprenticeships

Law, Business & Accounting

Engineering apprenticeships

Through a partnership between Bournemouth University and Bournemouth and Poole College, two engineering degree apprenticeships are offered.

Employer Complaints (Apprenticeships)