The BU DSA (Disabled Students' Alllowances) Support Fund offers non-repayable support for students in financial difficulty who require the following:

  • An Educational Psychologist Assessment or Evaluation of Needs
  • A contribution towards approved DSA equipment

Eligibility for UK students

  • Students will need to have their household income assessed by their student finance provider before BU can process an application. This will be checked as part of the assessment by BU. This may not be applicable to students on placement or on postgraduate study.
  • Students will need to demonstrate they have little or no funds available.
  • Students will need to provide evidence of the relevant DSA costs.
  • Students who are classed as EU (non-UK), Channel Islands, Isle of Man and International for fee purposes cannot apply for this fund.

How much may I be eligible for?

BU will only provide up to £350 for the Educational Psychologist Assessment/Diagnostic Assessment, and up to £200 for the contribution towards approved DSA equipment.

How is it paid?

If you're made an award from the BU DSA Support Fund you will be paid by BACS in one instalment for the whole academic year.

How to apply

Complete the BU DSA Support Fund Form online.