Most people experience pressure, stress and anxiety when it comes to exams. Whilst a certain amount of pressure is good for us and helps us to perform well, it is important to keep some balance and perspective.
To help organise your revision time, read through the Exams and Revision study guide in the Academic Skills Hub on Brightspace - planning ahead will mean you can keep to a sensible schedule. Check your assessment details via Brightspace to ensure that you know exactly when they are taking place. Don't feel you have to spend every waking hour studying, revising well means revising wisely and balancing work with exercise and relaxation. The library run Revision and Preparation for Exams workshops throughout the year - these are very interactive with lots of opportunities to ask questions - or you can access a pre-recorded session on the website. We've also put together some tips and techniques below to help you to prepare for your exams.
Recognise the symptoms of stress
Stress suppresses your immune system so you're more likely to catch a cold or feel under the weather, which doesn't help your performance in exams. Temporary effects of stress include:
- Lack of concentration
- Inability to sleep
- Difficulty in processing information
- Irritability.
In high levels, stress can lead to mental health problems e.g. depression or anxiety. Check out the NHS website for advice on coping with student stress or our information about anxiety.
Sources of support at BU
Most importantly, if you feel that your exam anxiety is building up to a point where sleep is difficult, your health is suffering or your relationships with your friends and family are affected you need to seek some help. Talk to your personal tutor or doctor. Support available on campus includes Achieve@BU team, Student Wellbeing, Faith & Reflection and SUBU Advice. You can also find further information on the Health & Wellbeing webpages or read some of our BU student blogs for advice direct from a fellow students:
- Study tips from BU students
- Overcoming exam pressure at uni
- Hannah's revision techniques: What style of ‘Learner’ are you?
- Emily’s top exam revision tips
Free support outside BU
Student Assistance Programme
We’ve teamed up with Health Assured to provide a free confidential helpline and digital resources to help you with any personal or student-related problems. Call the free 24-hour confidential helpline on 0800 028 3766 to speak to an experienced advisor who will offer support in a friendly, non-judgemental manner. You can also contact the service through call back request, email or manned live chat within the ‘My Healthy Advantage’ mobile app, available on IOS or Android. Visit the Student Assistance Programme page to find out more.
Student Space
Led by Student Minds, the UK’s student mental health charity, Student Space provides free, trusted information, tools and services to help you navigate the unique challenges to student life during the coronavirus pandemic. With dedicated support services for students, by phone or text, email and webchat. They can help with issues around managing uncertainty, learning online and making friends.
There's also a range of other online support which you might find useful, such as:
- – relaxation app
- – worksheets and information on conditions
- – self-help booklets
- Plus, find local and national wellbeing resources.