This page has been created to assist you with your submissions. 

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Key dates:

  • Submission extended deadline: 30 September 2023

  • Notification of review results: 21 November 2023

  • Conference dates: 27 February to 1 March 2024

  • Submission of revised papers deadline: 21 April 2024

Examples of sub-themes


OCCE 2024 will provide a forum for policy makers, practitioners and researchers. This open scientific event welcomes the following types of submissions that are relevant to the conference focus and the conference themes. The indicated maximum number of pages assumes formatting according to the Springer formatting style and the page lengths include all sections from the submission title to the references, acknowledgments, and more.

Please download the conference paper templates.

Research-oriented submission formats

Research-oriented submissions (full and short papers) will be reviewed for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the post-conference programme.

Full papers

Full papers (up to 12 pages) are standard academic research papers that describe:

  • high-quality, unpublished, original research work and results (which can be either empirical or theoretical)
  • systematic literature reviews presenting novel arguments, syntheses, theoretical analyses, or the proposition of an original model, framework or theory
  • national perspectives, policy directions, or new ideas for practice
  • unpublished work on original projects with an emphasis on practical experiences, e.g. evaluating a teaching concept or a curricular initiative.

Reports in this category need to reflect on the findings and their relevance to the field.

Short papers

Short papers (up to 6 pages) are shorter research papers in academic format, which can focus on the same topics as full papers and which present work in progress.

Presentation-oriented submission formats

Presentation-oriented submissions (abstracts) will be evaluated for presentation at the conference only. An exception are papers arising from symposia (see below), which can be reviewed after the conference for publication in the post-conference book:

  • Demonstration/poster abstracts: present emerging ideas for future research, teaching practice, or use of tools
  • Workshop abstracts: in workshops, innovative projects, teaching concepts, technologies or open problems are demonstrated and explored. Workshops comprise a short presentation followed by an interactive session with the audience. Proposals for workshops consist of an outline of the subject to be discussed, along with planned activities, any specific infrastructure needed, time frame, and maximum number of participants
  • Panel session abstracts: the intended chair of a panel should submit an abstract with the indication of a panel of up to three identified speakers who will briefly present their views on a pertinent topic. The audience will be invited to participate in a round-table discussion
  • National session abstracts: a national overview from a national representative or representative group on a policy, practice or research topic
  • Symposia (up to 2 pages for the symposium description plus 1 page for each presentation): a symposium is a collection of related presentations on a central theme of the conference. The organiser(s) of a symposium should submit an outline of the theme, the list of participants, and include a one-page abstract of each presentation. Papers arising from the accepted symposium presentations can be reviewed after the conference for inclusion in the post-conference book.

How to submit your paper

Contributions should be uploaded to the EquinOCS (Open Conference System) operated by Springer:

Step 1: Connect or create your account on the EquinOCS platform

Step 2: Select 'Enter Service' and either 'Log in' (if you already have an account) or 'Register' to create your account

Step 3: Once in your account, you can 'Submit now', completing the following areas:

  • The title of your submission
  • Abstract length (between 150-250 words)
  • Select your submission category: Full paper, Short paper, Abstract (Demo/Poster)
  • Specify comma-separated keywords
  • Add authors (specifying the corresponding author) in the specific list
  • Upload your anonymized PDF file
  • Check the anonymized rules and terms & conditions of the service.

Step 4: Submit paper


Post-conference publication is anticipated through a post-conference book (planned to be published by Springer in the AICT series).

Full papers, short papers, and papers arising from an academic presentation in accepted symposia will be considered for publication in the post-conference book, according to the following criteria:

  • If you submit a full paper, the reviewers will assess initially whether the submission is worthy of inclusion within the conference. If the paper is accepted for presentation, and only requires minor revision, then it will be judged worthy of being accepted for publication in the post-conference book.
  • If you submit a full paper that is accepted for presentation, but requires major revision, a further review process is undertaken following the conference in order to assess whether it can be accepted for publication in the post-conference book.
  • If you submit a short paper, the reviewers will assess initially whether the submission is worthy of inclusion within the conference, but acceptance for publication in the post-conference book will be decided following the conference. Acceptance of a short paper for publication will depend on the number of short papers that can be accepted for the post-conference book.
  • If you submit a full or short paper following an academic presentation in one of the accepted symposia, the reviewers will assess after the conference whether the submission is worthy of inclusion in the post-conference book.
  • If you submit an abstract, the reviewers will assess whether the submission is worthy of presentation within the conference. No assessment will be given to indicate whether the submission should be judged worthy of inclusion in any post-conference publication (with the exception of papers arising from symposia, as noted above).

Abstracts of all accepted submissions will be published online as part of the conference programme.

Financial support for doctoral students from developing countries

We are keen to involve doctoral students and early career researcher participants from countries worldwide, especially from developing countries. Those coming from a developing country who would like to be involved by presenting a paper, but who do not have funds to cover travel costs, should make early contact with Don Passey, Conference Chair via email: [email protected] by 15 November 2023 to explore possible support.